This nine month novena started on March 12th but it’s not too late to join. Cardinal Burke is calling on all Catholics to pray and ask for Our Lady’s intercession against the darkness and sin of our age.
I like Irene’s suggestion for a plant/seed swap. I have a couple of day lilies that could use dividing and bring a couple for swapping. I got brave and already planted my veggie gardens.
Pat Ferguson
What about a plant/seed exchange? Everyone is getting ready to plant or has already planted. Maybe have plants that need dividing or need a home, have seeds that are still viable that they can't use (veggies and flowers), good pots they need to give away, etc. I know I have bright yellow cannas that need dividing, some may have hostas, etc. Share planting tips, etc.
Organizing baskets, bins, etc. - Spring is the time to get organized! Maybe people have baskets, bins, etc. that are either new and have never been used that they don't need, or are in very good condition and clean but just need a home.
Just a couple of thoughts! Irene